The flames shoot high into the sky..many men are dead

These shrimp boats are trying to catch shrimp in pools of oil. They have no choice. It is shrimp season, if they don't get a good catch, their families don't eat for the next year.

The dolphin are wondering what is wrong with the waters they call home

They Gulf Of Mexico is on fire like it is a war zone.

Former Obama supporters are now directing their rage at BP but it will soon fall on the president. He did seek the job that he thought was so easy.

If this don't break your heart, I don't know what would.

Guys in hazardous material suits are walking up to the beach...it looks like something out of the Andromida strain

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People on the beach while the oil comes near.

These used to be beaches that brought money into the Gulf Region

No problem...while this was all going on Obama met with Bono of U2. I am sure 'God' has all the answers. This turtle below sure hopes so.