Thursday, July 07, 2011

United Cab Lot Full Of Taxi Cabs - Casey Anthony Moving To Tampa?

I went by the United Cab shop this afternoon to shop my cab #597 because I find it impossible to believe that I am not getting bids based on position. There must be something wrong with my cab and I was going to shop it. I know how to drive a cab; I have been driving one for 16 years and know all the 'hot spots' to sit and wait for a call. Youngbloods cannot  beat me at this game. That is why I think I must have a software issue with my taxi. I came across something on the lot that I did not expect when I was looking for a new cab to check out. The lot was overflowing with taxi cabs and all of them were dirty, and had no gas in the tanks.

That tells me that drivers have been quiting because they are not making any money. That is lost revenue for the company and they have done this to themselves. The economy is very bad and this company has never figured out that they could not go on an expansion campaign during the worst economy since the Great Depression. Historians will refer to this period in American History as the "Great Recession" and I could see clear evidence of that on the taxi lot today. Guys are suffering and giving this up. I could hardly find a place to park my taxi! I have never seen it like this.

I worked this morning from 5 to 8 and never got a call. In 16 years of driving I did not think that was possible. I was considering shopping my taxi under false conditions just to get a cab that had some gas in it until I got a little call that allowed me to 5bucks in the tank (enough for one run).

I will let you know tomorrow if it was just my computer. Who knows, if I make money with my new cab that seems to have a good functioning BlackBerry dispatch system, then I will be singing a different tune and loving life. I hope so; I need to be loving life.


I always thought (for some reason) that the Casey Anthony murder trial was just a local Central Florida issue. It has been all over the local news, and involved people that live in Florida. The jury was picked from the Tampa Bay Area and they only had to go to Orlando (87 miles from Tampa). However, it seems the entire country has been following this case and all of the major cable news outlets. Today, I heard that Vivid entertainment withdrew the offer they had for Casey of one million dollars to do a pornographic film. Vivid succumbed to public outrage, and withdrew the offer. I guess even the porn industry has standards. I suggest she move to the Tampa Bay area where the jury pool was picked. At least she has 12 friends she can lean on. There are jobs at day care centers where she can work. I understand she has real maternal instincts. She can even get a job at Untied Cab as a dispatcher! How cool would that be?


Unknown said...

a clear sign that economy hasnt improved was the 4th usally a week before its like a urban resistance going on every night and the 4th is like a shock and awe from george bush. not this year though. it was kinda quiet and the firework tents weren't slammed like they usually are. i tell you its tough every where. good luck

Anonymous said...

It looks like you may have to try the old standby, of using the cell phone more. Oh Frank and Pedro where for art tho

Anonymous said...

Oops I am anonymous----Larry UC157