Friday, January 31, 2014

Violetta Storms on the model rebound

My favorite model (she is from Italy) may return to the Arizona Shootout. That will be more of a reason for me to return, as well. I spent time in studio (a hotel suite) over two days to get awesome images. She is beautiful and down to earth. She has also been one of the most successful nude models in the last ten years. Enjoy this video.

A photo shoot in Arizona

A few years ago I had the opportunity to attend a glamour photo shoot in Arizona called The Arizona Shootout. It took place in a very scenic canyon area north of Phoenix, with heroic surroundings. It allowed me to improve my "book" and I am looking forward to possibly attending again in the spring this year. This is me in action next to a large cactus.
Tim in action with his Nikon D50

Full spectrum night optics

We are using a full spectrum camera (modified) that allows a search party to move to the tree line in total darkness by using thermal lights. The images are captured on a camera screen at base. By getting up close we can avoid the obvious shortcoming of "Finding Bigfoot" that only uses FLIR from a distance. Our method puts a researcher close to whatever made the hot reading then bathes the squatch in thermal lights getting a spectacular image.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Slow days at TIA

There these cabs sit on the deck where they have been for the last hour. They say there is a lot of snow up north and they can't get the planes out. Whatever the reason, our taxis ate not moving. Most of these guys are waiting four hours to get a trio. That is why most Tampa taxi drivers are working 16 hrs a day, 7 days a week for a job that pays $12,000 a year (no benefits, no holidays, no vacation, no workers compensating, no nothing). The third world has made itself known in Tampa.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Beautiful Bayshore

IMAG1485_1The sidewalk on Bayshore streatches for miles.Downtown and Ballest Point can be seen from there. The barista is what gives theworld's longest sidewalk itsunique look.
Joggers and exercisers are a common site for the south Tampa fitness crowd. Unlike most of the year when it is extremely hot, you can get in a good run/walk and enjoy the view. I find this time if year in Florida to be very enjoyable and I was out walking and getting in some cardio on my off day from Weight training.
I could see the herring bone fish sky which means very cold air is in Florida now. That is the extent of my meteorology knowledge.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

You must be kidding

Every time I log on I get this disclaimer.its like pick up United Cab customers at your own risk. I agree with that. We do pick people up at our own risk and the company does not give a shit if were killed. The Yellow Cab driver that was killed was refered to as "family" by the owner. Do you think this driver had life insurance from the exorbitant lease payments he was making. No. $100 a day should get the driver something.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Sunrise over Tampa on 2014

I pulled into position to take a scenic image of downtown Tampa as the first rays if 2014 light shone on Tampa Bay. It was a busy night and something serine was in the order. I do believe this will he my favorite year. The bottom photo is me getting into position.