In San Francisco they have a real problem with former cab drivers driving unlicensed cabs with no medallion. They are usually guys that have been fired from all the real cab companies and still want to drive cab. They are basically losers, and the lowest form of life on Earth. All of the bad cab stories you have ever heard were probably from what the "gypsy cab" did to them, and this is reflected onto all "real" cab drivers. The tragedy is that in Tampa, John Cox, the Commissioner of the Hillsborough County Public Transportation Commission is allowing "gypsy" type cabs to flourish.
What he has done is allow more permits to drive cab than the market can bear. He knows that there are enough losers who will scarf up those permits because they are incapable of doing anything else for living other than being a janitor, landscaper, construction worker, or the "Clorox" guy at a local XXX rated porn shop. I guess they figure hacking is better than cleaning up after some perv for $6.75 an hour, so they drive cab. They have been fired from both Yellow and United but they just continue to exist and want to drive like the scumbag in the photo above who has no medallion or is he licensed in the correct county or any county.
Since these guys do not serve the general public, the hang out at the downtown hotels, cruise ship and late night bars. They are what is wrong with the business. It is John Cox that has allowed this to continue. It seems Cox is only interested in weather a cab needs a car wash or not. I don't mean to be blunt, but I am one of the last white, English speaking cab drivers left in the profession.
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