Thursday, April 07, 2011

Late Night With Coast-To-Coast Radio

The other night on Coast-To-Coast radio with George Norry, he had three distinguished Bigfoot researchers on his show who discussed the latest evidence and theories. People that know me are aware that I have a real interest in Bigfoot. I look for the Florida version of the big guy called the Skunk Ape. This is supposed to be a smaller, and harrier version.

Coast-To-Coast is the perfect show to listen to late night when you are driving a taxi. The night air can really pull you into experience.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum discussed what I have suspected by my research, that the creature is not really human like. He may live almost by instinct. He said there is no evidence that they use tools or build permanent shelters, which would put them more in the area of gorillas. However, there is considerable evidence that they build structures. I have found a habitat that they slept in for at least one night.

Silver Star Mountain Bigfoot
Founder of the center for Bigfoot studies Daniel Perez editor of the Bigfoot Times said it was the rarity of the creature that makes it seem so illusive. He believes the best evidence for Sasquatch is the Patterson/Gimlim film taken in 1967. He also believes the Silver Star Mountain photos taken in 2005 by a backpacker are of an actual Bigfoot.

Loren Coleman rounded out the show by talking about his latest book. I understand he has been in Florida researching a book about the history of sea serpents and lake monsters in the Sunshine State.

These discussions were beyond fascination. Noory has on the top field researchers in all forms of crypto and UFO kind of stuff.

So if you get into my taxi late night, I just might have the radio tuned into Coast-To-Coast

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