Thursday, February 09, 2012

Rocky Creek Mobile Home Park

I was at Waters and Anderson when I got a call for Rocky Creek mobile home park. That is not always good news.

The park os mostly elderly and sick people (I am not far behind them). That means the fare will not go very far. They mostly go to the store around the corner. Today, that was not the problem.

I could not find "Archstone." All of the streets in here are named after rocks and gems. The photo above is the street "pebble."

It then dawned on me that I was in the wrong place. There is a new apartments on Hillsborough called Rocky Creek. I think the only reason they named it that was to screw with me.

I finally got to the right place, but was way late.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Freddie Solomon who played on the Dolpons and the 49ers passed away today, 2/14/2012. He was the starting quarterback of the University of Tampa Spartans. They no longer have a football team. He did a lot of community work and lived in Florida. RIP Freddie. Larry 157