Sunday, November 06, 2011

Taxi Business Good Right Now For United Cab Of Tampa

The Westshore Marriott Tampa
For the first time in years I have spent a weekend without the wheels of my taxi stopping (I have been able to get my internet back up). There are some reasons for this.

I think the tourism that has been lacking since the economic collapse in 2008 is now coming back. I also believe that the new computer dispatch system we use makes us more efficient then any other cab company in Tampa. I have told people to call 911 and then call us, and we will get there first. That is good.

If things continue like this, I should be able to get my life back in order. I am so far behind. I hope it is not just a good weekend. Hell, like I said, I have not seen one of them in years. The Super Bowl was good in 2009, but you would expect that.

I am also working the hotels more because that is where the people who have money and credit cards are staying. You can work the old ladies at the grocery stores, or work people who may really be going somewhere.

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