Wednesday, March 05, 2014

A view from inside the taxi

When do you officially become a "dirty old man?" I feel it getting closer every day. I just run my calls and have no control over who gets in. Sometimes, I am glad about who gets in.
It has been very hot in Tampa and many women are wearing summer clothes. After rolling up to a house today this well built women with a tight tank top emerged. We are talking watermelons. I wondered how she even got the shirt on.
I got a call from dispatch at that moment and was fiddling with the radio when I noticed she was trying to get into the front seat! I unlocked the door and she got in.
How I managed NOT to run into a pole or another car is beyond me. I was glad when she got out because anymore of that and I would have been a road hazard. Anyway, you got to love driving taxi.

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