Sunday, October 04, 2009

603 Otis Ave Tampa Florida

A Seminole Heights man says he has talked to a neighbor about piles of trash and a house in disrepair. He says he has called the police and code enforcement. Stephen Cain says none of that worked, so now he's turned to the Internet to document his dilemma.

This guy got so pissed when he could not get the Tampa Code Enforcement to do anything, he started a blog on

He has posted photos of burnt piles of wood and mattress remains in the backyard. His neighbor seems to make a lot of noise and his "girlfriend" lets her kids camp out in the backyard which annoys the shit out of this guy. I can see why

I went by the place and took a photo of this dilapidated place. I could see swing sets and slides and monkey bars in the yard, and junk that I didn't even know what it was.
He believes that the owner of the house at 603 N Otis Ave is letting homeless people live with him. I thought we lived in America where people could try to help others. My bad.

I have had, in my lifetime, problems with neighbors. Often, the only recourse is to move. They will never change, and I realized that. The only thing that I can control is myself, so I got out of the intolerable situation. That may be something that the blog publisher may want to consider.

I am not insensitive to his plight. I am just being real.

1 comment:

Philippines properties said...

I think this one needs a renovation.

Deirdre G