Saturday, January 17, 2015

Unrest in England

People are being killed in England and the facts are not clearly understood. The facts are this civil disruption is race based. The Afro-Caribbean community of England feels they are being oppressed by blood thirsty racist police who, like in America, only want to kill black people. I think we have heard this crap for decades, and frankly, it is getting old and boring.

A 29 year old Broadwater Farm resident, Mark Duggan, was stopped by police from a special operation force used in the Black community to stop gun crime (We have massive gun crime in America). He was riding in the back of a taxi (I drive a taxi for a living) when it was stopped and Duggan pulled a gun on the officers, and they shot him. Early reports indicate the officers were defending themselves. However, there is a problem. Their community is staging an uprising against the British government. This is a criminal act and should be met with the death penalty. You cannot allow this to happen.
The Black community believes he was shot because he was black. This is simply not true. He pointed a gun at the police. Mr. Duggan has a long criminal history and is not an upstanding member of English society.
The real problem here is these immigrants don't want to become real members of British society. They only want to use England for what they can get out of it. The rioters, or their parents, may have come to England only because this once great empire has become emasculated and became a welfare state. Why not leave a third world nation too receive free housing food, money, health insurance. That is not what happens in American.

We have people who have lived on this continent for hundreds of years and still think someone owes them a living. Unfortunately, they are black. This mindset is now part of their culture. It has recently made a violent turn in the form of youth flash mobs organizing with social media.

Violent black flash mobs have become endemic to the United States in the past year.  Starting with the “Beat Whitey Night” at the Iowa State Fair, there have been hundreds of violent black flash mobs across the United States, which have shut down parts of Chicago and Philadelphia.  Most recently, at the Wisconsin State Fair, large groups of blacks viciously targeted whites.  In most cases, the US media have suppressed information on the mobs, refusing to report that they’re black mobs (often violently targeting whites), and misleadingly have reported that the mobs are “youth mobs.”
As many of America’s worst tendencies have been exported to Europe and the UK, so too has the black mob organized by social media, as evidenced by the race riot in London last night.  Caused by what blacks in the UK are calling an alleged Rodney King event (whichin reality was an “incident in which a policeman and a suspected gang member were both shot in what appears to have been an exchange of fire”), blacks in London utilized social media (as in the US) to organize, ransack, loot, start fires, explode cars, and attack innocent pedestrians (whites)....Conservative

Is this just a matter of hate? Are people so beaten down by this poor economy that can't see any hope? Hope and change is what a young politician once uttered. I hope that is still true.

People come to America because they want to live and raise their families here. They have opportunity to become anything they want. It is only a matter of your ambition and drive. If you have dreams, this is the place for you. For example, I took a Haitian family to the courthouse today to be sworn in as American citizens. They were very proud and glad they live in the United States. They said they now love American and have dreams of buying a house and living a better life. That is the good side of this.

Now, with inter-racial and religious tensions brewing with the death of three Muslim men who were leaving Ramadan prayers in London, this can get very ugly in England. I don't know where this is going but I know how it must end. Badly. Law and order must be restored and people need to be educated as what their potential is. Even in England someone can obtain mighty things. I believe this passionately. That is also available to immigrants.

Barack Obama is the President of the United States, his father was from Kenya. John F. Kennedy was President of the United States and his Grand Father was from Ireland. Dwight Eisenhower's father was from Germany. That is what is possible; this is the way it should be.

We just need more people to believe this.

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