He needed to go to Metropolitan Ministries because that is where his mail is now being delivered. I agreed to take him and pick up his Social Security check and then, take him to Amscot. Sounded simple. It got a little complicated.
He went inside the Mission, which was crowded with people picking up boxes of food and waiting in line inside for what the sign on the door said "food, money, living expenses" and other things like that.
I could not help but notice that the parking lot was full of new and late model cars. Go see for yourself. Just go by. That really pissed me off.
Many time in my life, I have had to sell a car or other things to get money to eat. These people are not making sacrifice. The ones I saw were duchies. Sell your Goddamn Car and your family can eat tonight. I don't even have a car, and I don't BEG.
The guy came out and said his check was not there and we needed to now go back to south Tampa to the Post office. He was completely ignoring the $25 on the meter.
I'm sorry folks. I am sensitive to his plight, but I cannot run the meter up to 50 or 60 bucks just on speculation that I might get paid. I took off and left the schmuck behind.
I shortly got a real fare and collected MONEY!
Yep Tim you got screwed. Social Security and SSI comes to mailing address' like clock work. Granted the post office mess up sometimes, maybe 1% of the time. UC 157
Been there and done that one too many times Tim.
I used to ask when they got in, do you have enough cash to pay the cab fare if there is a problem with the check?
Oh sure I do, OK then lets have some cash up front, of course they did not, but swore there would be no problems.
Yeah where have I heard that before, it is unusual when there is not at least some trouble with a check cashing joint.
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