Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tiger Woods: Poor Self Esteem?

“You’re a racist” my fare (a black man) accused me of after I pointed out the billboard on Cypress Ave in Tampa that had a Tiger Woods ad on it. I was surprised to see a Tiger ad, since I had been told that all of Woods ads had been pulled.

My fare told me that Tiger was just doing what every man would do if he could, and there was nothing wrong with his behavior. “After all,” my fare said, “Hugh Heffner has had bevies of babes all of his life.” True, I thought, but Heffner never claimed to be something other than what he was. Tiger has claimed to be something much more than what meets the eyes.

Are people being racist about this issue?

I ask this because of the racist responses I have been getting on this topic. White people clearly believe that Woods is a scumbag. Black people believe that Tiger is doing what is “human” and “natural” He cannot be faulted for this. It is as if he is simply a “player” out of a rap video.

I have been saddened by the black response, if not shocked, until I realized where it is coming from. What is going on with Tiger is a combination of addiction, poor self esteem, and deep rooted insecurities caused by an infection from modern Black Culture, an infection as deadly as H1N1. Let me explain.

Beyond the base instincts of man, we have what is called civilization and morals. It is not normal for a man in the modern world to simply screw any women that comes his way when he has a wife and children at home. What is normal is for a man to remain with his women and be a provider and father to his children.

One fare told me that his actions go back to slavery when the Master forced the slaves to breed. That behavior has been carried on to modern days, as this logic goes, by black men who sire 10-15 babies from various women. They cant’ help themselves. Apparently Tiger just can’t help himself because of Nineteenth Century Plantation owners.

It is a fact that the majority of Black Men in this country are not married. The percentages are decreasing to the point that a traditional marriage is now rare among black people. That is sad and detrimental to their own community. This was not caused by slavery. It has been caused by open ended welfare implemented by the Democrat party in the 1960’s The black family was eliminated, and fathers were substituted with a monthly check. This apartheid of warehousing Negros in projects insures future votes for the Democrat party. Hence, promiscuity results in a payday!

I don’t believe this promiscuity excuse for Tiger, but I do know what poor self esteem is all about. When a black man limits himself to white, blonde, blue-eyed women, there is something going on. Clearly he is trying to elevate himself with his conquest, to alive deep rooted insecurities. Black Culture is all about "us" and "them." Blacks need to overcome Whites. One of these ways is to bed thier women, but not just any women.

There are many beautiful women in the world of all sizes and colors. Tiger, true to form, goes for the kill. The Playboy Playmate White blonde type is the modern standard of beauty. I don't even think he is aware of what he is doing. How could this be Black anyway, he ignores his own people.

Does this guy need help?

Counseling would be difficult. He has more money than the Emperor Nero. His attitude would be for everyone else to go screw themselves. Sad. I don’t see his future being bright at all.

1 comment:

Larry and Tom said...

Yeah Mr, Woods has money now but before it is said and done his bank account is going to be a little lighter. Actually a whole lot lighter. If it were in my control I would strip him of all of his sponsors. Parents are not going to be able to say to thier kids. "Be like Tiger." As of this writing ole Tiger has gone in seculsion. Nice place for him. Wonder how many more "ladies" are out their??