Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Management At United Cab Tampa Doing A Great Job So Far

Paul and Rick on the 'back lot'
The new managers that Gulf Coast Transportation inc have put in place are doing a great job. One of the hallmarks of good management is to bring in and know that you have good people working for you, and not be up their ass all day.

The old shop manager Paul is back, Joe is back, Big Scott is back detailing the taxi cabs. Rick has been given more responsibility (this is Rick and Paul moving across the lot). You can tell by the overall demeanor and relaxed attitude of the employees that things are getting better.

I do not think it is a coincidence that things are turning the corner as soon as the very bad manager we had was fired.

The new team has modern ideas about everything from the new technologies to marketing. It will be great to get back to making money again. I have not been this excited about driving a cab in years. That is a fact. Life may be great again.

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