Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Urban Scare Tissue For Obama In Tampa

The Great Stimulus Plan  For Tampa
The day after the State Of the Union Address last January Barack Obama and Joe Biden came to Tampa., Obama mentioned in his speech, the night before, that a new high speed rail system was going to be built in Florida, and he wanted to come here and take the credit for this great project.  It was part of the stimulus package and the train would go from Tampa to Orlando (eventually Miami too). He said it would employ 20,000 people over 4 years, and retain 800 workers to operate it after completion.

The photo here shows the land downtown Tampa that will be the terminal. It was taken two days ago. As you can see, 20,000 people are working hard. I think the reason the President is dropping in his poll numbers is because he does not get the urgency people feel when they are out of work. They need jobs, and they need them now.

Do you really think this train will ever be built. Was the President just wrong, or is he a lying sack of shit?

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