Friday, August 12, 2011

Taxi Riders Like The New United Cab Dispatch Features

United Cab of Tampa has some new features on our high-tech dispatch system that people are really digging. When people call for a taxi they will receive a text message letting them know the cab number of the unit that is on its way. It even lets them know how far away it is (1.2 miles for example). As the taxi get closer, the customer gets another message telling them to come outside their taxi is turning onto their block. When the driver is on site, it will automatically do the call out for the driver. The customers like this; they like it a lot. In fact, if they have an 'I Phone' they can download a software that post a map of the city on their phone and allows them to follow the progress of the taxi in REAL TIME. Now how cool is that!

Just tonight, for example, on every call in the Hyde Park area I got, the fares were waiting outside as I arrived. They were waving at me. My hope is this will help increase our call count and customer loyalty. In the long run it should have a positive affect on the money we are making.

Now, when customers call Yellow Cab, they will think they have called "dial a prayer." They dial and pray they show up. After all, the customer has no information about if a Yellow Cab is actually on its way or not. This feature will be very effective in building up not only our club and party business, but in increasing our airport business that should feature prominently in taxi drivers portfolio.

United Cab is the only company anyone should call in Tampa. So when those Republicans come to Tampa next year, I hope they all use our service. They will have perfect information about how they will be served.


Larry and Tom said...

Sounds good to me. I know how pissed fares used to get when they had to wait any length of time, never mind the reason.
Especially if they were in a bar and wanting to do a little bar hoping, say from the Tiny Tap to the ole retreat. How the memories come back. UC 157 Larry

airport taxis London said...

It's indeed cool! If we have a map of the city it will be very helpful. I think it will be a great help to the new comers of the city. We can then get an idea where we are supposed to go, how far the place is, where we are at the moment. A local car chauffeur is very important but the passenger won't sit blind. He can estimate everything by himself only. That's great! Thanks...