Thursday, February 09, 2012

Rocky Creek Mobile Home Park

I was at Waters and Anderson when I got a call for Rocky Creek mobile home park. That is not always good news.

The park os mostly elderly and sick people (I am not far behind them). That means the fare will not go very far. They mostly go to the store around the corner. Today, that was not the problem.

I could not find "Archstone." All of the streets in here are named after rocks and gems. The photo above is the street "pebble."

It then dawned on me that I was in the wrong place. There is a new apartments on Hillsborough called Rocky Creek. I think the only reason they named it that was to screw with me.

I finally got to the right place, but was way late.

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Tuesday, February 07, 2012

A long time cab driver

This may be one of the few pictures Richard. He has been a United Cab driver in Tampa for almost twenty years.

Richard is very educated and once was a teacher. But like many, he became marginalized by society, and started driving a taxi.

He is from Wisconson and not seen his family in years (like me).
People just really don't want to have much to do with you when just drive a hack.

Anyway, this image is one of the only ones of him.
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Raining in Tampa this morning

With this rain perhaps a cold front will follow it, and lower the temps in Florida.

In order to get outside, we need to be comfortable, and have the bugs at bay. I saw insect larva hatching Sunday on standing water. That is something you would only see in summer months.

My team and I have an outing set for this weekend. There should be clear skys.

My understanding is that it is mild throughout most of North America right now.

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Monday, February 06, 2012

Running the AC in February

You could fell the humidity as steped outside this morning. It felt like July. I was really looking forward to some cooler weather when you can roll the window down.

The tourist in Tampa are loving but locals are ready for a change. High of 82 today. That is hot man.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

A new tool to use

In todays world, people want live time updates. Since I am in my cab most of the day, I have come up with a way that will allow this Tampa cab driver to keep people informed.

Its not just photos and text, there is also video. My new Android phone will let me so much more then jusy waiting to go home and load.

Consider that I np lo.ger have my AT&T wireless service, this seemed like tje logical choice.

Stay tuned for soe good stuff in the future.

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