Saturday, March 10, 2012

St. Petersburg pier

Things have been moving now and that is what you would expect this time of year. Now that I am working the airport I am seeing more of St Pete and Clearwater.

The Vinoy has been a common destination. Unfortunatly, that may not last long. The same for Clearwater Beach. The good news is working the ariport gives me an extra edge.


Anonymous said...

Didn't commisioner White, err a former one get sentenced today? I wonder if he and Nancy had any dealings? Hope your airport business is still improving. Larry 157

Anonymous said...

Any trips to Sarasoto by chance?? Ha, ha, ha Larry 157

Anonymous said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, be careful out there. Remember if you have had a little to much green beer, call your favorite United Cab driver to take you home, a few dollars is a lot better than a few thousand. Larry 157