Thursday, January 07, 2010

Hoping 2010 Will Bring Renewal

It rained New Years Eve like a Summer thunderstorm. It came down hard and roads were flooded.

At least it waited until after the ball dropped before the cats and dogs came down. People were on their way home, and they seemed motivated to quickly get into my cab.

I work more nights than I ever have since our day business has slowed down ‘till a shadow of its former self. I don’t really like hauling drunks at 2 in the morning but don’t seem to have much choice.

Moments like this remind me of how little time off I actually have. A cab driver friend of mine used to take the holidays off and go to the Mountains of North Carolina. Like most drivers, however, the length of that trip was dependent on how much she had booked in the weeks leading up to the trip, such is the life of a taxi driver. I used to go camping on the holidays. I haven’t done that in a couple years.

I am looking forward to this new year. Like most people, 2009 was a miserable year. It left me broke, spiritually dead, destitute, hungry and dependent of other people to help me with some basic needs. Things I needed to do, I could not even bring myself to bother. Such is the way of depression.

Poor economies don’t just delay trips to camp sites, they take away from you. Friends have died that could not keep on under the stress and uncertainty of these times. I know when you get my age you say good by to people and things. I guess that’s normal, but this period of time has been especially difficult.

What really bothers me the most is how we have allowed our political leaders to lie to us, and how so many just went along with “shovel ready jobs” that were going to flood into society and make life a little better for all.

Sure, I would like to head out to the campfire and chill for a few days in a state of nature, and if that was all I had to bitch about, that would be ok. But its not. Things have been beyond bad.

I have been able to maintain a roof and an internet connection, and now have my cell phone service back up after six months down. Hell, that ain’t bad, I guess.

I can deal with the mud puddles on New Years Eve, but lets not make a habit of this. May 2010 be a year of renewal and growth. It has to be. Many cannot just keep going on.


Larry and Tom said...

Yo Tim I remember when you picked up one drunk. When you met him it had a effect on your life. But times have changed since that day you took him to that place in Ybor City. Hang in there good buddy, I just wish I could be out there with you slow or not. I wish you the best for the comming year.

Andrew said...

As strange as this may sound, thank you for being the company to my misery during this really screwed up time. It DOES help to know I'm not the only one suffering. I've been out of work since May, and I'm not much closer to finding work now than I was the day I lost my last job. Thanks for all the blogs.