Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Changes To Tampa Taxi Shots And Bob Buckhorn Wins Tampa Mayor Race

I have decided to use Blogger as my host for Tampa Taxi Shots.  The software is just more attractive to me, and the options they offer are better than Typepad (which I have to pay for). Typepad does have some advantages, such as unlimited pages, and that's really about it. I still keep my account for timfasano.typepad.com because I have over 1,000 post since 2005 and that is a considerable amount of stuff that I do not want to lose by closing the account. For now, Tampa Taxi Shots will be hosted by Blogger. I will keep the typepad account to maintain my archives.

I voted for Bob Buckhorn today for mayor. I'm sorry, but a vote for Rose Ferlita would be like a vote for your Grandmother or Aunt Bee. My information of the Tampa mayor results tells me that Bob Buckhorn has won the Tampa Mayor race by a huge landslide, about 60% to 40% of the vote to Rose. Nobody saw this coming but it should have not been a surprise. Combining the votes of Dick Greco and Bob Buckhorn would crush Rose. It seems Tampa wants a responsible Mayor who knows how this is done.

1 comment:

Larry and Tom said...

Ha, I wonder what Joe Redner thinks about the mayoral race. I seem to recal that Redner of Mons Venus fame doesn't care to much for Tampa's new mayor. I like this web better. I think