Friday, July 06, 2012

Port Tampa bank robbed by Bonnie & Clyde

In the ghost town area of Port Tampa is an old building that is now a public library. The residents that live here may be unaware of the history of this building, and the Port of Tampa.
This building used to be a bank and it held all the payroll money for the ship and dock workers. That is why it became a robbery target for Bonnie and Clyde, who were depression era bank robbers.
Their plan was fairly sound with the port not having been annexed by Tampa and a dirt road being the only way in and out. It worked. They got away with it. Too bad for the workers.
There was no FDIC back then and I imagine many guys did not get paid that week. Conditions were hard back then, much less, to have it compounded by being broke.
Port Tampa has a rich history that I am now researching.

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