Thursday, April 25, 2013

Worn out shoes

To be honest with you things are not going well. In fact, its pretty bad. I worked today from 4am till 2 pm (10 hrs) and only drove 89 miles. You can use the multiple of 1.10 x miles for a good estimate of dollars booked. Barely over $100. The problem is I pay the company $92 a day and I buy the gas. Sounds like a great deal, right?
I am a veteran cab driver and I am at the end of my rope. Needing to sleep and have a semblance of a life, I am stuck. I have no spouse or anyone to help me. I often wear dirty clothes because I don't have any quarters. I do have a five dollar bill in my pocket and that is all the money in the world.
I only have one pair of shoes which I am using super glue to hold together. Shortly, I will just be wearing socks.  The difference between me and the Depression era is they did not have super glue in the 1930's.

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