Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Management At United Cab Tampa Doing A Great Job So Far

Paul and Rick on the 'back lot'
The new managers that Gulf Coast Transportation inc have put in place are doing a great job. One of the hallmarks of good management is to bring in and know that you have good people working for you, and not be up their ass all day.

The old shop manager Paul is back, Joe is back, Big Scott is back detailing the taxi cabs. Rick has been given more responsibility (this is Rick and Paul moving across the lot). You can tell by the overall demeanor and relaxed attitude of the employees that things are getting better.

I do not think it is a coincidence that things are turning the corner as soon as the very bad manager we had was fired.

The new team has modern ideas about everything from the new technologies to marketing. It will be great to get back to making money again. I have not been this excited about driving a cab in years. That is a fact. Life may be great again.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Urban Scare Tissue For Obama In Tampa

The Great Stimulus Plan  For Tampa
The day after the State Of the Union Address last January Barack Obama and Joe Biden came to Tampa., Obama mentioned in his speech, the night before, that a new high speed rail system was going to be built in Florida, and he wanted to come here and take the credit for this great project.  It was part of the stimulus package and the train would go from Tampa to Orlando (eventually Miami too). He said it would employ 20,000 people over 4 years, and retain 800 workers to operate it after completion.

The photo here shows the land downtown Tampa that will be the terminal. It was taken two days ago. As you can see, 20,000 people are working hard. I think the reason the President is dropping in his poll numbers is because he does not get the urgency people feel when they are out of work. They need jobs, and they need them now.

Do you really think this train will ever be built. Was the President just wrong, or is he a lying sack of shit?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Things Are Getting Better

CC Sabathia Bring it on!
Are things better off then they were two years ago?  Yes.  No doubt about it. In 2008 all hope was gone. It could not have been worse.  We had no calls, we had no riders, we had no nothing.

Now, we have conferences, meetings, business travelers, conventions, tourist and so forth. I don't know if the President is the reason. However, if you are going to blame him when it is bad, you have to give him the credit when it is good.

I know many people are without a job but you would not know it by how much activity there is now in Tampa. I am coming out of my depression and I feel like living life again. My jaded cab driver friends say I am just getting used to misery. I don't think so. If you tossed a baseball my way - I would knock it out of the park!  GO RANGERS!

Friday, October 08, 2010

MLB Playoffs Not Much Help For Taxi Drivers

Most people seem to use their cars to go to Tropicania Field to watch the ALDS between the Texas Rangers and the Tampa Bay Rays.  It was hard to get near the stadium and people seemed only to want to go over to Central Ave to hit a sports bar.  I guess they wanted to drown their sorrows about the Rays getting creamed by the Rangers.  If this game had been at night, it might have had a different outcome.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Hanging In There

The last few months have been very slow. The summer is the off time of year for this part of Florida, but with the economy, we are down. I will admit that it is not as bad as 2008 - 2009. There are signs of life. We actually have good days now; during those two years, there were no good days. I believe things are coming back - hence the urgency of the tea party to derail Obama's efforts. I did not vote for Obama but I will if things continue to improve. At least the guy has tried to do something. I can't wait for the weather to get cooler so I can go camping. That should be in November. See ya!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Tiny Tap Bar In Tampa Once Again On Top

The TBT tabloid did a feature story on local bars. As a cab driver I always want to keep up with what the new trends are. Nothing has changed. The decades old drinking hole in south Tampa was once again the feature bar in the annual survey. They had photos of the barmaid and it was its lack of glitz in a sea of upscale restaurants and night clubs in South Tampa that keeps in front. It if for real people, not the pretentious assholes of south Tampa

Friday, July 02, 2010

Is Dontae Rashawn Morris A Runaway Slave?

The Tampa black newspaper the Florida Sentinel Bulletin had an editorial today that hinted that Donae Rashawn Morris may be a runaway slave. The article was by "The Sole-Man Speaks" and his logic was that every city in the south, including Tampa, has an area of town that most white folks never go into. In Florida it is called the Black Bottom. The best of the best, and the worst of the worst will rise from these blighted neighborhoods. Unfortunately, it is usually the worst.

Dontae Rashawn Morris was raised in Jacksonville Florida in the worst black bottom there is. He is now suspected of killing two Tampa police officers. The Sentinel cited the incident in Polk County a few years ago when a black man killed a white police officer, and when he was arrested he was shot 68 times by the cops to the point that his body was not recognizable as a human being. That was wrong, but I think it had more to do with the rage of the police and the actions of the suspect himself. Somehow he was innocent in the Sentinels mind.

They say that black fathers are cautioning their sons not to be out at night because they may be killed by the Tampa Police. Fist of all, 70% of all black boys do not have fathers active in their lives, and the police are only looking for Dontae Rashawn Morris. Are you people still slaves? Is that what you really want to be? The last I checked the President of the Untied States and the Attorney General were black. They seem to be doing fine living in this racist country. Are we still living in "Mississippi Burning?"

The Sentinel writes:

"...Dontae Morris is Black. The officers he reputedly shot are white. Not that it matters, but somewhere down the craggy, putrid road of American History, it matters, dearly"
The only thing putrid is Mr. Morris. Clean up your own acts before you start blaming this on the Tampa Police you bastards.

"Our condolences go out to the slain officers' families. Our sadness embraces the accused assailants's mother and father. Our heart breaks to consider that we HAVE STILL NOT OVERCOME."
What they mean is that they have not overcome the white man. I hope it is a black police officer that greases this piece of human shit.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

PIctures Of The Gulf Oil Disaster

When the Deepwater exploded 56 days ago, the world of everyone that lives along the Gulf Of Mexico was changed forever. BP has hired security guards to keep people out of places where the images are too disturbing and make them look worse than they already do. These images are what was going on while Barack Hussain Obama was going to fundraisers for Barbara Boxer and entertaining Paul McCartney at the White House (on day 9 he met with Bono of U2).

The flames shoot high into the sky..many men are dead

These shrimp boats are trying to catch shrimp in pools of oil. They have no choice. It is shrimp season, if they don't get a good catch, their families don't eat for the next year.

The dolphin are wondering what is wrong with the waters they call home

They Gulf Of Mexico is on fire like it is a war zone.

Former Obama supporters are now directing their rage at BP but it will soon fall on the president. He did seek the job that he thought was so easy.

If this don't break your heart, I don't know what would.

Guys in hazardous material suits are walking up to the looks like something out of the Andromida strain

There is no comment for this photo

People on the beach while the oil comes near.

These used to be beaches that brought money into the Gulf Region

No problem...while this was all going on Obama met with Bono of U2. I am sure 'God' has all the answers. This turtle below sure hopes so.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cypress Point Park Tampa Contaminated By Oil Spill Or Sewage

I understand that ships are taking advantage of the Gulf Coast Oil spill and they are dumping at sea, everything from bilge tanks to sewage. I have lived in Tampa for 33 years and I have never seen a Bay beach this contaminated. A coincidence? You be the judge.

Cypress Point Beach is a park that families come to on the weekend to relax and stay away from the large crowds at many of the other local beaches. People come here to eat lunch during the week. You have a nice panoramic view of Tampa Bay and the Gandy Bridge. It is a shame that it is in this condition.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rob Green Sucks Because Of Poor Decision Making

I only know American sports. And n our culture, you have 'go to' guys. If you are the manager of a football team and days before a World Cup match you don't know who your starting goalie will be, then there must be flaws in all your goalies. (An Italian manager should never work..just kidding..I'm a Fasano). American football or soccer has come a long way. Way to go guys. Mr. Green - that was just the breaks of that game. Sorry, but we will take it.

In our sports we have batters that strike out...kickers that miss easy goals...quarterbacks that miss wide open players that miss easy shots...things happen. England may still win this tournament, but the world is on notice that the USA can dominate anything we want to. Sorry if that bothers you.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Free Green Taxi Cabs In Tampa Are Scab Bums

If you go downtown on the weekends to party, you may have run into the guy above. His name is Tim Ireland. He runs a "free Cab" in Tampa Florida. The only question is - Why?

I don't know what you do for a living but if someone came along and told your boss they would do it for free, you might have a problem with that. If this person was just willing to work for tips when you have a mortgage and a family and responsibilities, you would actually be pissed. Many cab drivers in Tampa are.

The Hillsborough County Transportation Commission believes these free taxi cabs need to be taken off the streets. They really have never heard of such a thing. Who has? Working for free. Who is this Tim Ireland?

"The Green Go vehicles don't fit the legal definition of taxicabs, because they don't have meters. The closest definition they fit is limousines, but the commission has denied limo permits for vehicles that weren't considered sufficiently luxurious."

Tim Ireland of the Green free taxi is a scab. In this time of economic downturn, there is not enough business to support the taxi drivers that have been doing this for years, if not, decades. When somebody comes along and finds bums like Ireland to undercut taxi cabs (by law we must charge $2.25 a mile) He can give them a free ride. Why? Is he that desperate? How much can he make doing this? Most grown men would not do what this little, little, boy does. I guess he lives with his mommy and daddy. How else could he do this. He needs to go back to HCC with the rest of his nerdy friends and leave men alone who take the transportation business seriously.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

2137 W MLK - Martin Luther King Tampa

The Pain Management Center at 2137 MLK in Tampa Florida is a very popular destination for taxi drivers. Many drug addicts, dealers and crack heads are coming to Tampa to get long term prescription opium based narcotics and other drugs. They have found a loophole in the law, at the doctors have who are prescribing the drugs that can only be filled at certain pharmacies in the Tampa Bay Area.

Their days are numbered. The police and the DEA are forming sting operations that will soon take these assholes down. Get your drugs soon crackhead or you may not have the chance.

If you call for a cab from the Days Inn Stadium, I work that area, and I may be the one to pick you up to take you to 2137 w MLK. Howdy.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Republican Convention Coming To Tampa Summer 2012

Many of the taxi drivers in Tampa were talking about the Republican Convention that will be here the last week of August 2012. That will be a very good thing. It will be like the Super Bowl but more. It last longer and has about as many people and they all have come to Florida to party.

We have much to offer from golf courses to beautiful beaches. At least, I hope they are beautiful. If the 'drill baby drill' mentality is still in vogue in 2012, the Florida beaches, which used to be white sandy treasures, will be black, murky, gunge. Sarah Palin will not like that.

I was hoping to go to the beach with her. Is this picture photoshoped? I don't know. Palin is not nude in this shot, but it don't take much imagination if you know what I mean. Nice rack!

If the Republicans put money in my pocket - they got my vote.

Rack 'um Dano'!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Intriguing Phenomena Blog

I have a new blog that I am very excited about it is called Intriguing Phenomena. It will allow me to explore a subject of unexplained mysteries throughout the history of man. Everything from the Lost Continent of Atlantis, Bigfoot, UFO's to Zombies, urban myths and conspiracy theories. Nothing will be off limits.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Change For A Twenty

It seems most customers will give you a twenty dollar bill no matter what the amount of the fare. The first two fares I had today went short, and they did not let me down. They gave me twenties for 5-6 dollar fares. Yikes! That wipes out all of my change (cab drivers do not begin their day with thousands of dollars on us). I went on my third fare.

He is going from Albany and North B to Howard and Mississippi (I could only spell this because of the jingle I learned in 5th grade). I ask him if he has exact change. He says no, he was going to give me a twenty. So we stop at the convenience store at Howard and Morrison. He goes inside, gets some cigs, and comes back. We are set.

When I get him to his house, he hands me a twenty dollar bill! What! We just went to the store. He was a little drunk and said just keep it. I was not trying to rip him off.

When he got out of the cab I looked at it and it was a 1928 twenty gold backed bill. You don't see many of them anymore. I'm not sure how many people have seen the gold backed $20 bill. All I've ever seen were images and the signature was of A.W. Mellon. Is that who I think it is?

I know the driver Joe down on Britton Plazza, he buys old currency. I might a little more than face value.

I have always understood that in time of economic downturn, you will find old currency and coins in circulation. People are desperate.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Race factors into evaluation of Gerhart - NFL Draft

Toby Gerhart has a problem. He is one the highest rated running backs in the NFL Draft this year. He has power, strength, speed, durablity, everything you would want in a feature back. The problem is he is white. Thats right - a white guy. The fact that he was runner up in the Heisman Trophy contest means little to the NFL talent scouts. It still means enough that he may go in the second round, just like Mike Allstot did. I know John Gruden would not like this kid. Gruden disliked any white athlete. Would you call this reverse racism?
"When NFL scouts look at Gerhart, they see a 6-foot, 231-pound power back who ran for 1,871 yards and 27 touchdowns last season, getting edged out by Alabama’s Mark Ingram in the closest Heisman vote in history. When they look at Gerhart’s numbers from the NFL scouting combine, they see that he ran a 4.50-second 40-yard dash and registered a 38-inch vertical leap, both impressive numbers for a player his size." Yahoo Sports
Gerhart says that when many scouts came over to watch him work out at the combine, they were not aware that he was white. After seeing his skin color, they lost interest. What? Have any of them ever heard of John Riggins? He was one of the best feature backs ever and I believe he was a pale face. He was fast, strong, durable and aggressive just like this kid. To many disciples of Gruden out there if you ask me.
I know some team will give this kid a chance...I hope its the Bucs. Then we will have our Warren Sapp and Mike Allstot back. Now how cool is that!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Flooding In Tampa Bay

I sort of had a strange 'accident' Sunday afternoon. It was raining cats and dogs and if you drive in Tampa you know that the roads flood like Noah's Ark. ( It is a problem I thought they had fixed with all the pipe they had been putting in for years). I had a call on north B street just north of Kennedy.
I picked up Orlando (my fathers name) he is a regular and goes to a restaurant on south Howard. In front of his house was a puddle of water. It did not look that deep. "Turn around don't drown" is the saying. It really did not look that deep. I drove through it and my car sank hard. I did not see the pot holes that lurked below. I was almost underwater!

The problem with that is that if you taxi cab takes water into its engine - you just bought it. United Cab has a 'no tolerance' policy on this matter. I also heard a very load bang sound. When I got to the stop sign at the end of the block, the car was knocking. I must have taken in some water. I have never don that is all these years of driving cab.
Later, when I was at the gas station, I filled up on premium thinking that would get rid of the knocking - no such luck. It was running rough man...very rough.
This morning it was a little better and by the end of the day, my taxi was running just fine. I think I burned the water out of it. It must have been just a little bit.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tampa Bay Must Draft Ndamukong Suh

Ndamukong Suh was tested scientifically by ESPN in all the important measures of speed, power and agility. The most important measure was the impact he had on crash test dummies that had more impact than an automobile accident...more like a freight train. If the Buccaneers don't draft this kid in the third spot, it will spell the doom for Raheem Morris as the head coach here. He should just resign or be fired on draft night.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Homeless Panhandling Is Now Widespread In Tampa

I drive all over Tampa and see first hand the number of people that are at almost every major intersection in Tampa - Dale Mabry and Kennedy is very popular, along with Kennedy and Westshore and Columbus and Dale Mabry. This homeless guy lives out of his van with his Jack Russel dog and uses the dog as a marketing tool to get hits.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

UFO Video Shot By Tampa Taxi

I am not a big UFO guy but coming out of downtown, I saw this formation of white shining objects at a very high altitude. They did not seem to be moving in any direction, as the video shows, but were hovering and rising upwards. I do not know what they were.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Pedro Say Hay

Pedro was a special of Larry's for years. I picked him up today and he wanted to say hi to Larry. He is a good ride. $20-not bad. Today reminded me of what it was like in 'the good ole' days.'

Friday, January 15, 2010

I Saw James Riley Today!

I was sitting on stand 23 late this morning when a guy pulled up in a Toyota. He looked familier, but Iwas not sure. He pulled up next to me and I could see that it was James Riley. Holly Hell! I have not seen James in about eight years. He used to driver for us but ran into some trouble after he hooded up with a crazy women. He says he has been living in New York and he was doing ok. He was short on details, so I don't know exactly what is going on with him. The reason he is in Florida is because his parents have passed and he is here to sell their home which he inherited.

I got a call and had to leave. I gave him my number and told him to call me. Somehow, I don't think he will. Just a feeling.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ice On My Taxi Cab!

It has been so cold for so long, the sight of ice on car windows is now common. Check this out. Ice in Tampa Florida. Global warming. Even with all the snow and ice and cold up north, no tourist are in sight in Florida. I guess they have seen the images on tv and figure why bother. We are in a warming trend, and the temps will be back up in the low '70's by Friday. Maybe that will drive some business our way.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Snow And Ice In Tampa Florida

Here is evidence that it was below freezing and that the arctic air mass is in Florida. Snow and Ice in Tampa Bay! Crazy man, crazy

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Baby Its Cold In Tampa Florida!

There was sleet/snow/rain Saturday morning January 9th, 2010. I saw it with my own eyes at three in the morning. It will even be colder tonight. I hope the snow piles high on the palm trees.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Hoping 2010 Will Bring Renewal

It rained New Years Eve like a Summer thunderstorm. It came down hard and roads were flooded.

At least it waited until after the ball dropped before the cats and dogs came down. People were on their way home, and they seemed motivated to quickly get into my cab.

I work more nights than I ever have since our day business has slowed down ‘till a shadow of its former self. I don’t really like hauling drunks at 2 in the morning but don’t seem to have much choice.

Moments like this remind me of how little time off I actually have. A cab driver friend of mine used to take the holidays off and go to the Mountains of North Carolina. Like most drivers, however, the length of that trip was dependent on how much she had booked in the weeks leading up to the trip, such is the life of a taxi driver. I used to go camping on the holidays. I haven’t done that in a couple years.

I am looking forward to this new year. Like most people, 2009 was a miserable year. It left me broke, spiritually dead, destitute, hungry and dependent of other people to help me with some basic needs. Things I needed to do, I could not even bring myself to bother. Such is the way of depression.

Poor economies don’t just delay trips to camp sites, they take away from you. Friends have died that could not keep on under the stress and uncertainty of these times. I know when you get my age you say good by to people and things. I guess that’s normal, but this period of time has been especially difficult.

What really bothers me the most is how we have allowed our political leaders to lie to us, and how so many just went along with “shovel ready jobs” that were going to flood into society and make life a little better for all.

Sure, I would like to head out to the campfire and chill for a few days in a state of nature, and if that was all I had to bitch about, that would be ok. But its not. Things have been beyond bad.

I have been able to maintain a roof and an internet connection, and now have my cell phone service back up after six months down. Hell, that ain’t bad, I guess.

I can deal with the mud puddles on New Years Eve, but lets not make a habit of this. May 2010 be a year of renewal and growth. It has to be. Many cannot just keep going on.