Friday, April 26, 2013

Sun sets over Tampa for cab driver

Near the end of my 15 hour day I was taking folks to the 98 Rock Fest at the Times Forum. From people going to work, to people going out to party, I had put in a long day. I caught this view of the Tampa skyline from the east side on my way home. I hear the Bucs drafted a quarterback from North Carolina.

Let it begin

This is me at the begining of a very long day. I may spend the next 24 hrs in this taxi. Many drivers are doing that and the company wonders why there's so many wrecks.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Worn out shoes

To be honest with you things are not going well. In fact, its pretty bad. I worked today from 4am till 2 pm (10 hrs) and only drove 89 miles. You can use the multiple of 1.10 x miles for a good estimate of dollars booked. Barely over $100. The problem is I pay the company $92 a day and I buy the gas. Sounds like a great deal, right?
I am a veteran cab driver and I am at the end of my rope. Needing to sleep and have a semblance of a life, I am stuck. I have no spouse or anyone to help me. I often wear dirty clothes because I don't have any quarters. I do have a five dollar bill in my pocket and that is all the money in the world.
I only have one pair of shoes which I am using super glue to hold together. Shortly, I will just be wearing socks.  The difference between me and the Depression era is they did not have super glue in the 1930's.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Tim Fasano on top of Myakka tower

Looking for Bigfoot or just a sightseeing tourist, you have got to check out the observatiib tower at Myakka River State Park. It is seven stories tall and affords a view of the entire park.

Roller Derby coming to Tampa

I think Tampa once had roller derby but I'm not sure. Saw this on the side of a bus.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The homeless hot dog man

I see this guy as early as five in the morning up to nine. He rides his bike (with a wagon on it) and always gets two hot dogs and seems happy to have them. He's always in good cheer and talks to people (you see him here talking to a black guy). I'm thinking the dogs may be his meal of the day. Two for two bucks. Not bad. At least he's not paying $3.50 a gallon and $92 lease a day six days a week. Life is a matter of perspective. I like mustard and onions.

Left wing terrorist pulled Boston attack?

(Editors Note: Coast 2 Coast radio floated the Brown University students name this morning. That was incorrect.)

Sunil Tripathi wears a Che Guevara t-shirt and goes to Brown. A prospective student took a tour at Brown a few years ago, where they are off the deep end for Obama. The tour guide did not know the meaning of the WW1 monument students pass under every day, though it might be something about WW2 but wasn’t sure.

If Sunil Tripathi had been a member of the campus Republicans (does Brown have such a thing?) MSNBC would be all over it.
The left seems restless..

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kevin and his fancy camera

Kevin is a professional and he took some awesome images last summer of the Republican Convention. He concentrated on the night activity. The protest they predicted never really matrialized. Anyway, there were a lot if interesting people to shoot. This image was taken last August.

Are these kids the Boston bombers?

The FBI released video and photos of the Boston Marathon bombing. They are lying. Those ball caps look like a B or a skull, like the operatives seen in other images. There was no video of them planting the bombs that they will show, and the spokesman was not willing to answer questions. What about the military guys seen in the plazza? Something is not right here.

Bring back memories?

If Larry sees this know the time on the car clock is AM. You started at this time for many years back when there was business. Now, you will have to bid condos to get a call. You have no idea how bad it really is. I will be working till seven tonight for food money. People on welfare live better then I do and get free medical and other shit from Obama.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Boston Marathon bomber photos taken from security camera

Photos collated on the 4chan website show numerous images of suspicious individuals wearing large backpacks present at the scene of the Boston Marathon bombings.
Three of the men appear to be Arab or Middle Eastern in appearance, whereas another two of the individuals are white.
The images show the men looking away from the marathon runners, talking on cellphones and running from the scene immediately after the blast.
Remains of one of the backpacks are also photographed yards from where one of the bombs exploded. The FBI states that at least one of the pressure cooker devices used in the bombing was housed in a backpack.
Some of these men may have merely been victims, but the image of the two men standing together wearing the same clothes and carrying heavy backpacks and wearing credentials suggests they may have been involved in a drill or in the actual attack.
CNN is now reporting that authorities have identified one of the suspects involved in the attack by means of “video from a department store near the site of the second explosion” and “video from a Boston television station.”
The Boston Globe also reports that, “authorities have an image of a suspect carrying and possibly dropping a black bag at the second

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

A warning about freedom from the year 2386

I posted this video in 2009 and it seems relevant for today and what we will shortly go through post Boston Marathon. We are losing our freedoms.

Boston Marathon: a False Flag Operation

Kevin wondered if this was a false flag operation for Obama to continue to take away our rights. Shades of 9/11 are being seen all over this. We dont know much yet but the mainstream media is blaming right wing extremists when the Boston police had bomb sniffing dogs on scene. They are not mentioning the Middle East.

Pay the fare or else!

Pay the taxi rate please. You don't want to end up like this hog kill I found at Myakka River State Park. Kevin and I were looking for evidence of the Florida Skunk Ape and this is suspicious to us. This thing looks like it was killed and eaten. The area was loaded with dead animals. Something is feeding back here.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

I was in a wreck today

The interstate was slowing down because of road construction ahead. In fact, my lane had come to a stop. Then bam!!! A car hit me hard from behind and I whipped back violently, throwing my hat off into the back seat. That sucked, as I was off duty and on my way to Myakka River State Park to do research and photography. That will have to wait for another day now. For what its wirth, his front end was totaled and my Crown Vic held up well.

He got the citation; I have a sore neck. I'll see how I feel in the morning. I dont need to be injured. I have a lot to do.

Friday, April 05, 2013

Cool jazz on a hot night

Late night when its slow and the heat index is over 100, WUSF cool jazz is all you have. Late nights belong to smooth jazz. You can also listen to Coast to Coast and get your UFO and Bigfoot fix.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Rains hit Tampa this morning

A massive front is moving in from the gulf today. I hope it brings some cooler temps. I am not ready to let go of winter. You can see the waves off of Bayshore.