Wednesday, June 16, 2010

PIctures Of The Gulf Oil Disaster

When the Deepwater exploded 56 days ago, the world of everyone that lives along the Gulf Of Mexico was changed forever. BP has hired security guards to keep people out of places where the images are too disturbing and make them look worse than they already do. These images are what was going on while Barack Hussain Obama was going to fundraisers for Barbara Boxer and entertaining Paul McCartney at the White House (on day 9 he met with Bono of U2).

The flames shoot high into the sky..many men are dead

These shrimp boats are trying to catch shrimp in pools of oil. They have no choice. It is shrimp season, if they don't get a good catch, their families don't eat for the next year.

The dolphin are wondering what is wrong with the waters they call home

They Gulf Of Mexico is on fire like it is a war zone.

Former Obama supporters are now directing their rage at BP but it will soon fall on the president. He did seek the job that he thought was so easy.

If this don't break your heart, I don't know what would.

Guys in hazardous material suits are walking up to the looks like something out of the Andromida strain

There is no comment for this photo

People on the beach while the oil comes near.

These used to be beaches that brought money into the Gulf Region

No problem...while this was all going on Obama met with Bono of U2. I am sure 'God' has all the answers. This turtle below sure hopes so.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cypress Point Park Tampa Contaminated By Oil Spill Or Sewage

I understand that ships are taking advantage of the Gulf Coast Oil spill and they are dumping at sea, everything from bilge tanks to sewage. I have lived in Tampa for 33 years and I have never seen a Bay beach this contaminated. A coincidence? You be the judge.

Cypress Point Beach is a park that families come to on the weekend to relax and stay away from the large crowds at many of the other local beaches. People come here to eat lunch during the week. You have a nice panoramic view of Tampa Bay and the Gandy Bridge. It is a shame that it is in this condition.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rob Green Sucks Because Of Poor Decision Making

I only know American sports. And n our culture, you have 'go to' guys. If you are the manager of a football team and days before a World Cup match you don't know who your starting goalie will be, then there must be flaws in all your goalies. (An Italian manager should never work..just kidding..I'm a Fasano). American football or soccer has come a long way. Way to go guys. Mr. Green - that was just the breaks of that game. Sorry, but we will take it.

In our sports we have batters that strike out...kickers that miss easy goals...quarterbacks that miss wide open players that miss easy shots...things happen. England may still win this tournament, but the world is on notice that the USA can dominate anything we want to. Sorry if that bothers you.